I'm a Coachella Valley naturalist and desert advocate who works to promote conservation of natural open spaces and native species. I work with local agencies to advance habitat conservation, recreational trails planning, and promote community science to grow public understanding and appreciation of desert ecosystems.
I serve on the boards of the Mt. San Jacinto Natural History Association and the CactusToCloud Institute, and you can find me on iNaturalist helping to document and share the diversity of the California deserts.
I'll see you on the trail!
Press & Mentions
5/15/2023: Nuestro Desierto program allows valley residents to earn California Naturalist Certification (KESQ)
2/19/2021: The Desert Is Not Deserted (YouTube)
5/13/2020: The Hidden Desert (YouTube)
3/13/2020: The fields are alive: How to view a wildflower bloom without destroying it (The Washington Post)
3/6/2020: Best Hikes Near Palm Springs (REI)
11/22/2019: Desert Fastpitch 2019 - Colin Barrows (YouTube)
9/1/2019: Making a Monument (Palm Springs Life)
2/26/2018: Into the Wild (Palm Spring Life)
2/20/2017: Flower Power (Palm Springs Life)